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Ontario Tech University Visits NCUE, Engage in Lukang Int'l Dragon Boat Races

Professor Patrick Hung and graduate student Jennifer Cardenas from the Faculty of Business and Information Technology at Ontario Tech University in Canada recently visited NCUE. They conducted a lecture on research topics related to social robots and discussed with President Ming-fei Chen regarding renewing the partnership agreement and expanding and deepening collaborations between both institutions, among others. Ms. Cardenas was also invited to participate in the Lukang International Dragon Boat Races, and she expressed a keen interest in experiencing traditional Taiwanese culture. Notably, one of NCUE's international student teams achieved second place, marking the first-ever win for them.

To promote substantial interactions between NCUE and Ontario Tech University students and faculty, Director Hsin-wen Wang of the NCUE Research Centre for Global Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management Technology invited Dr. Hung and Ms. Cardenas to give a lecture titled "An Overview of Social-Technical Research Issues in Social Robots". During this lecture, advanced research trends in gender mainstreaming, gender equality, and diverse gender issues in developed countries were explored.

Under the International Office’s arrangement, Dr. Hung and Ms. Cardenas introduced the DODO teaching mold they developed for visually impaired students and received constructive suggestions and feedback from Professor Yu-fang Cheng, who specializes in related research, of the Industrial Education Department. Subsequently, the guests visited NCUE's main library and the Information Center. They were impressed and inspired by the audible book system for the visually impaired.

Ontario Tech University provides NCUE with the opportunity of fully-funded exchange studies for two students each year, allowing students to take four to five courses per semester there. It is worth mentioning that NCUE exchange students received a warm reception and help from Dr. Hung and his graduate students, making them feel welcomed and touched even though they were far from home.

After a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Lukang Dragon Boat Races were held again this year. To allow our guests to experience local Taiwanese culture, the International Office arranged for Ms. Cardenas to join one of NCUE's teams consisting of overseas students in the races, with her teammates providing training before the race. Eventually, an NCUE team achieved second place in the international category. The competition this year was intense, with a total of 98 teams and approximately 2,500 participants competing, and the cheers of thousands of spectators filled the air.
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