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Kasetsart University from Thailand Visits NCUE Sharing Research Findings, Enjoys Tour of Lukang

Dr. Wanwipa Vongsangnak, Special Assistant to the Kasetsart University President and Assistant Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Science, Thailand, along with faculty members, came and visited NCUE on July 27, 2023. They engaged in discussions on deepening cooperation, and substantial exchanges, and shared their research findings with NCUE Department of Biology faculty and students. The College of Science extended warm hospitality by guiding the guests on a tour of Lukang and allowing them to savor Taiwanese snacks, providing a firsthand experience of local cultural highlights, making the visit memorable for all involved.

Kasetsart University in Thailand, with a history of over a century, is a renowned national university in the country.

After introductions of school features, the visitors and NCUE Department of Biology faculty and students shared their research findings. Presentations included "Control of Host by Parasitic Barnacle" by Professor Chi-Ying Lee, "Microbial Genomics and Molecular Pathology" by Professor Nai-Wen Hsiao and Professor Yen-Yi Liu, and "Integrative Systems Biology and Microbiome" by representatives from Kasetsart University. The lively discussions and engaging questions from attendees made for a fruitful exchange. After the meeting, the guests toured the laboratory's animal housing facilities. Such exchanges expand the international perspectives of NCUE faculty and students and offer new opportunities for collaboration.

To provide the guests with an experience of local Taiwanese culture, faculty and students from the College of Science led the visitors on a trip to Lukang. Along the way, they visited famous attractions such as Lungshan Temple, Shangxing Old Street, Yi Building, Hexing Youth Innovation Base, Ding Family Mansion, Nine Turns Lane, and Shiyi Building. After concluding the Lukang trip, they visited the Taiwan Glass Gallery and Glass Temple in Changhua. During their visit, the guests not only enjoyed Taiwanese snacks but also indulged in the internationally renowned pearl milk tea, leaving them with lasting impressions of their journey.
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