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Aichi University of Education in Japan Visits NCUE for Cultural Exchange

Led by two professors, Mr. Oliver Mayer and Mr. James Venema, sixteen students from Aichi University of Education in Japan, one of NCUE’s partners, came to visit recently for a two-day cultural exchange, including the exploration of local cultural attractions in Changhua. The two professors also met with Dean Hon Man Lee of the International Office and Chair Xiang-Jun Chu of the Department of English to explore further possibilities for future exchanges between the two institutions.


On the first day, organized by the NCUE International Office and the “International Ambassadors” composed of local NCUE students recruited by the International Office, students and faculty from both schools participated in ice-breaking games, a campus tour, and a Taiwanese tea experience activity to enhance mutual understanding. For lunch, the visitors dined at an NCUE student cafeteria, providing them with a rare experience of Taiwanese cuisine.


The following day, students and faculty from both schools visited the Big Buddha at Bagua Mountain, the Lai Ho Poet’s Trail, the Changhua County Art Museum, and the Red Heir Well, delving into the history and contemporary culture of Changhua. During the cultural exchange activity in the afternoon, both sides shared their cultures and engaged in an in-depth dialogue through group discussions on the differences in their school education from childhood to college years.


Over the two days, students from both schools bridged the barriers of nationality, language, and culture, establishing strong friendships. In particular, NCUE’s "International Ambassadors" took this opportunity to plan and host the reception activities, enhancing their collaboration and crisis management skills, deepening their understanding with each other, and successfully demonstrating civil diplomacy, adding splendor to their university life.

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