【公費交換】德國 開姆尼茨工業大學
德國開姆尼茨工業大學/Chemnitz University of Technology(公費生)
- 申請條件
身分別 | 大學部 | 研究所 | 名額 | 語文或其他要求 | 開學 | 開放申請科系 |
公費交換生 | √ | √ | 3 |
選修英語課程: TOEFL iBT72或IELTS 5.5或TOEIC 785 選修德語課程: German B2 |
10月 4月 |
全校系所 |
- 學校簡介
開姆尼茨工業大學(英文: Chemnitz University of Technology;德文:Technische Universität Chemnitz ;縮寫:TUC)位於德國薩克森州的西部直轄市開姆尼茨,毗鄰德國東部重鎮萊比錫和德勒斯登,成立於1836年,距今已有180年歷史。歸因傑出的師生比,在教學質量上面,開姆尼茨工業大學在德國排名前列。TUC以對學生的友善聞名,其高超的科研技術深嵌於其悠久的歷史氛圍之中。TUC多次在德國各項大學排名中位於前列,是德國最悠久,最享有聲望的大學之一。
Welcome Letter from Chemnitz University of Technology:
We would be delighted to welcome your students to our university. You may also download further promotional material from our cloud: https://tuc.cloud/index.php/s/3cK4yxmKcydoatb
A huge advantage of studying in Chemnitz is the fairly reasonable cost of living. In comparison the rent incl. bill for the student dormitory is quite cheap. Besides our wide range of English-taught courses, this might also be of interest to potential exchange students.
- 校園風景
=== 該校來信
Dear students,
The application for the winter semester 2024/2025 will be done online but the application portal will open only in May 2024 (application deadline: 15 July 2024). I am going to contact you again with all you need to know regarding the application process in May. However, you can already prepare the following documents in the meantime because you will need them for the online application process:
- Learning Agreement (see attachment)
- Transcript of Records (List of courses and exams you have taken so far at your home university)
- Certificate of Enrollment/Student Status certificate (a confirmation that you are currently registered as a student at your home university)
You can also have a look at suitable courses that you would like to take here: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/international/incoming/erasmus/vlvz.php.en
We are also going to offer a three week German language course in September 2024 (16 September – 2 October 2024) which you are welcome to join. Further information will be provided at the end of the year.
Students usually live in the student dormitory on campus. The different room options are available on the website: https://www.swcz.de/en/student-housing/our-halls-of-residence/
The application for a room is done online: https://www.swcz.de/wohnheimbewerbung/#admission
You can also live in the dormitory during the duration of the German language course if you wish to participate.
Our academic calendar with semester dates is available here: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/studierendenservice/termine.php.en
If you have any questions regarding your stay in Chemnitz, please feel free to contact me any time.
Best wishes,
Ms Nadja Hüller
International Office
Chemnitz University of Technology
Bahnhofstraße 8 | R. G101
09111 Chemnitz
Instagram: @tuc.international
Tel: +49 371 531-39462
Personal Consultation:
Tuesday: 10 am - 12 noon & 2 - 4 pm
Online consultation:
Friday: 10 am – 12 noon (German time)