
印尼2所大學蒞校訪問 理、工國際學程雙聯合作達成共識 Visit by 2 Indonesian Universities Results in Consensus on Dual-degree Collaboration for Int'l Master's Programs

印尼國際女子大學(International Women University; IWU)校長Dr. Hj. Dewi Indriani Jusuf與印尼姊妹校計算機大學(Universitas Komputer Indonesia; UNIKOM)副校長Dr. Hj. Umi Narimawati於5月初聯袂率團蒞校訪問,雙方就推動學生交換學習以及理學院與工學院國際碩士學位學程之雙聯學制合作達成共識,不僅見證本校穩步引進境外學生,加速校園國際化,更可望在新南向國家為本校帶來更多發展機遇。




In early May 2024, Dr. Hj. Dewi Indriani Jusuf, President of International Women University (IWU) in Indonesia, and Dr. Hj. Umi Narimawati, Vice President of one of NCUE’s partner universities, Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM), jointly led a delegation to visit NCUE. Both parties reached a consensus on promoting student exchange programs and dual-degree collaborations for NCUE’s international master's programs in the College of Science and the College of Engineering. This visit not only demonstrates NCUE’s steady progress in attracting international students, which helps accelerate campus internationalization, but also is expected to expand NCUE’s opportunities globally.

The joint welcome meeting was hosted by Dr. Hon Man Lee, Dean of the International Office. Both parties discussed promoting student exchanges to foster educational and academic exchanges. Furthermore, Chi-Yen Huang, Dean of the College of Science, and Chien-Shing Lee, Assistant Professor from the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, respectively representing the International Program for Master of Science in Materials and Biological Technology and Science Education, and the International Master Program in Engineering, held in-depth discussions with the guests on collaboration plans. They reached a consensus on promoting the dual-degree programs and preliminarily completed the course mapping process, among other details of the collaboration.

Regarding the exchanges with the two Indonesian universities, both Dean Huang and Professor Lee expressed optimism and promised to provide academic resources and professional assistance to ensure the implementation of the collaboration. They aim not only to help Indonesian students become internationally competitive professionals but also to expand NCUE's relations with Indonesia and recruit more outstanding local students for NCUE.

Accompanied by Dean Lee, the guests from the two universities paid a visit to NCUE President Ming-Fei Chen. They extended a warm invitation to President Chen to visit Indonesia and exchanged broad views on deepening relationships.



