
【 海外營隊】英國伯明罕城市大學 Birmingham City University 辦理「 International Summer School 2024 」0715-0802夏令營


2024 姊妹校英國伯明罕城市大學暑期營隊活動

今夏加入伯明罕城市大學暑期營隊活動 (Join @bcugoabroad this summer for a unique experience in Birmingham)


  • 擁有歐洲最年輕的人口
  • 運河數量比威尼斯還多
  • 珠寶商聚集區,生產英國 40% 的珠寶
  • 歐洲最大的公共圖書館
  • 地理位置優越 - 4 小時內可到達英國 90% 的地區
  • 《哈比人》和《魔戒》的靈感來自伯明翰,作者 J.R.R. 托爾金曾在此居住
  • 擁有 571 個公園,總面積達 3,500 公頃
  • 網球於 1859 年在伯明翰的草坪上發明




(詳見活動網站-Fees,不同主題課程會有不同收費) 單位-英鎊 (目前約1英鎊=約42新台幣)

International Summer School Package

1.Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


2.Design and Make a Piece of Jewellery 


3.Diamond Grading 


4.Digital Journalism 


5.Embracing Global Challenges in International Business


6.English Language and Culture 


7.Fashion: Print, Style and Capture 


8.Printmaking and Photography 


9.Radio and Podcast Drama Production 


10.Television Drama and Short Form Storytelling 


報名辦法: 申請截止日期為 2024 年 5 31

  1.  完成本校報名表:https://forms.gle/GjFUrcJcmRbw7CQF8
  2. 前往該校活動網站之How to apply完成報名步驟 https://www.bcu.ac.uk/international/summer-school/how-to-apply

經驗心得分享:活動結束後兩週(14天)內,必需繳交1000字(含照片)活動研習心得分享,email至 yuchen@gm.ncue.edu.tw

國際處聯繫承辦人:章專員 (分機5124)


Birmingham City University - International Summer School 2024

All details can be found on the International Summer School website, a short flyer and social media assets are also attached. 

We have 10 exciting courses ready for students this summer from 15th July to 2nd August 2024:

Two of these courses are awarded with 7.5 ETCS upon successful completion:

During the three week stay, students will not only enjoy the academic experience of studying at a UK institution but also a wide range of social activities and evening activities including trips to other UK cities. You can find more information on our website including fees, what’s included, accommodation and more.

