
【翱翔國際講座】6/13 (四) Lecture on Thursday, June 13 by Susan Trimingham: My Journey Around the World with Art

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【翱翔國際講座】6/13 () Lecture on Thursday, June 13 by Susan Trimingham: My Journey Around the World with Art

  • 日期:6/13(四)12:10-13:00 11:50報到入場)

           Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024, 12:10 PM–1:00 PM

  • 地點:圖資處多功能會議室

           Venue: Multi-purpose Meeting Room at the Main Library (Jinde Campus)

  • 講題:My Journey Around the World with Art

           Lecture Title: My Journey Around the World with Art

  • 主題:講師將分享她在其他國家教授藝術的個人經驗

           Topic: The lecturer will be sharing some of her personal experiences in other countries teaching art.

  • 講師:Susan Trimingham

           Lecturer: Susan Trimingham

  • 講授語言:英文

           Language: English

  • 關於講師:

          Susan Trimingham為美國視覺藝術家和藝術教育家,現任教於美國聖荷西州立大學,並主持每年夏季為期3週的計畫,率學生赴日本寄宿家庭,藉由體驗當地傳統藝術探索日本文化。

          Susan Trimingham曾於非洲和平部隊、美國大學、藝術中心、社區及矯正機構/監獄等擔任駐地藝術家及藝術教師、設計課程、培訓就業技能等,具豐富之國際經驗;目前與本校美術系合作,開發相關之交流項目。

          About the Lecturer

          Susan Trimingham is an American visual artist and art educator, currently teaching at San Jose State University. She also leads a three-week faculty-led program that offers students the opportunity to explore Japanese culture through traditional art-making experiences and living with host families in Japan.

          Susan Trimingham has extensive international experience, having served as a resident artist, art teacher, training project designer, and art curriculum development consultant in the Peace Corps in Africa, American universities, art schools and centers, community organizations, and correctional facilities. She is currently collaborating with the NCUE Department of Fine Arts to develop related exchange programs.

         Registration: https://reurl.cc/Rq831D

  • 注意事項

         1. 若臨時無法出席,請事先取消報名,以釋出名額予其他同學。

         2. 報名正取者請於活動開始前完成簽到,逾時不予簽到及進場;現場遞補者,最晚於活動開始前依席次開放現場登記。

         3. 本活動全程以英文進行,歡迎對主題與英文有興趣之同學報名;惟活動期間手機請開啟靜音模式,並保持會場禮儀,勿滑手機、打瞌睡,必要時工作人員將予勸導。

         4. 餐盒於簽退時發放。


  1. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your registration in advance to free up the spot for other students.
  2. Registered attendees must sign in before the event starts. Late arrivals will not be allowed to sign in or enter the venue. Attendees on the waiting list may register on-site before the event starts, based on seat availability.
  3. This event will be conducted entirely in English. Students interested in the topic and improving their English skills are encouraged to register. Please set your phone to silent mode during the event, maintain proper etiquette, and avoid using your phone or falling asleep. Staff will provide reminders if necessary.
  4. Meal boxes will be distributed upon sign-out.