
【自費交換】澳洲 新南威爾斯大學(彰師3年+交換1年)

澳洲新南威爾斯大學 The University of New South Wales


  • 學校簡介




除了一般的正式課程,UNSW Foundation Year(UNSW大學先修課程)是澳洲第一個提供這類課程的學校。該課程為成績良好的高中畢業生提供進入UNSW學士或其他大學學士課程的最佳途徑。


  • 校園風景



  • 交換形式



  • 申請資格
大學部 研究所


IELTS 6.5,且GPA 3.0以上(含)




  • 名額


該校課程資訊請參考: UNSW課程資訊


  1. MBA Coursework
  2. Courses that are part of the Honours degree (4xxx)
  3. UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy (all courses starting with ‘z’)
  4. Doctor of Medicine program
  • 其他學務


  1. UNSW will invoice NCUE directly for the full tuition fees, Overseas Student Health Cover (see “Insurance” section) costs, and any associated laboratory fees set by UNSW for the semester, term or academic year in question.
  2. NCUE students will be responsible for all their own housing and other personal costs.
  3. Tuition fee refunds will be made according to the guidelines set down in the UNSW Payment and Refund Conditions. UNSW agrees to waive any application fees for applications made under the terms of this Agreement.


  1. NCUE promotes and recruits students for studies at UNSW for Study Abroad, consistent with the policies of both institutions and applicable state and federal laws. In the case of Australia this particularly refers to the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) (ESOS Act).


  1. Each student will be selected on the basis of a student’s previous academic merit. NCUE students will normally be expected to have attained a minimum grade point average of 80% or equivalent, as determined by UNSW.
  2. Each student will be enrolled in a full-time non-degree enrolment at UNSW.
  3. UNSW will not, on the grounds of race, colour, national origin, age, ancestry, disability or handicap, veteran status, sex, sexual preference, or creed, exclude prospective students from participation in the program set out in this Agreement.
  4. NCUE will send a list of applicants for each cohort to UNSW. Each nomination to UNSW will be accompanied by an academic record for that student and the relevant Application for Admission form.
  5. Wherever possible, the Home University will inform the Host University of the particulars of known health problems which might affect the student's progress, or which mean that the student may require special assistance.
  6. Students will be required to meet the published language requirements appropriate to UNSW to carry out their studies and research at UNSW.


  1. In order to obtain a Student Visa, international students must obtain approved health insurance. The basic medical and hospital cover available to international students who study in Australia is known as Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). If requested by the student, UNSW will organise OSHC for all NCUE students. All NCUE students are required to pay the OSHC premium fee directly to UNSW when they send their Acceptance of Offer to UNSW. If the student prefers to organise approved OSHC themselves, they must provide proof of the health insurance when they send their Acceptance of to UNSW. NCUE students will be responsible for all medical and hospital costs incurred outside of the basic medical and hospital coverage provided by OSHC.
  2. Students should be advised by NCUE to obtain additional travel insurance to provide supplementary cover.


  1. With the issue of a formal offer of a place at UNSW, UNSW will provide housing information in UNSW affiliated Residential Colleges to NCUE students. UNSW will also provide information and assistance in applying for a place in other on-campus Residential Colleges.
  2. NCUE students must comply with the regulations of the respective halls of residence at UNSW and sub-lease requirements of the UNSW off-campus housing.


Summer Term From early January until mid-February
Term 1 From mid-February until mid-May
Term 2 From early June until late August
Term 3 From mid-September until mid-December

UNSW will offer two tailored terms for Study Abroad Students:

Tailored Term 1 Summer Term+Term 1, from early January until mid-May
Tailored Term 2 August Intensive+Term 3, from mid-August until mid-December


  1. For a year-long Study Abroad program at UNSW, students will usually take eight courses. This may be varied by written agreement by both parties.
  2. Take 3 consecutive Terms commencing in Term 1 (February) or Term 3 (September), they may take up to three (3) courses for each of Terms 1, 2 and 3, and one (1) course for the Summer Term.
  3. Take 2 consecutive Tailored-Terms commencing in Tailored-Term 1 (January) or Tailored-Term 3 (August), they would take (4) courses per Tailored-Term


  1. Upon meeting all entry requirements, UNSW will issue a offer (COE) for the Study Abroad year along with a Conditional Offer (COE) for the student’s preferred Masters Program.  Students may change which Masters program they wish to apply for during their Study Abroad year, but should seek advice from the Department of Home Affairs about how this may affect them.
  2. Admission by UNSW to a specific course is subject to UNSW being satisfied that the student has the necessary qualifications and experience.
  3. UNSW reserves the right to reject prospective students on academic grounds or language requirements.
  4. UNSW will endeavour to ensure that students are admitted to courses that are part of the student’s curricular plan, dependant on the availability of resources in the period for which admission is sought.
  5. To enable UNSW to comply with relevant legal requirements and UNSW policies, NCUE agrees and acknowledges that all NCUE students will be required, prior to departure from NCUE, to provide their consent in a form prescribed by UNSW to UNSW disclosing certain personal information about them:
  6. by releasing copies of the student’s UNSW transcript to NCUE on a semester or annual basis; and
  7. to the Australian government as necessary to meet UNSW’s obligations under laws relating to international students, including the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) and the Migration Act 1958 (Cth)
  8. The parties acknowledge that applicable Australian law (namely, the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) and the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) and its subordinate legislation) requires UNSW to obtain certain records regarding students and disclose certain information regarding such students to the Australian government for the purposes of that legislation, including details of students’ name, gender, date of birth, country of birth, nationality and residential address in Australia;  NCUE agrees and acknowledges that ongoing disclosure to UNSW of such information by its students attending UNSW will be a condition of their acceptance by UNSW, and their failure to comply with relevant ongoing disclosure requirements will entitle UNSW to terminate their placement under the program.
  9. UNSW shall have the option of terminating a student’s program, should the student breach any laws, regulations or policies of UNSW, or be held by a court of law to have broken any law of Australia.
  10. UNSW will send decisions on applications either directly to the student or the Home University who will then inform the applicants of the decision.
  11. All students enrolled at UNSW are required to enrol in a full time course load.


  1. UNSW will facilitate as much as possible the admission, academic progress, physical relocation and cultural orientation of study abroad students. UNSW will provide study abroad students with:
  2. Documents necessary for obtaining a visa.
  3. Information on health insurance requirements and the extent of the medical cover that must be obtained for the duration of study at UNSW.
  4. Access to university facilities as full members of UNSW, including the library. Fees may apply for sporting and Student Union facilities.
  5. An orientation program.
  6. Academic and other advisory services.

UNSW will make all reasonable efforts to integrate students with Australian students and other international students.


  1. Paying room and board expenses.
  2. Obtaining and paying for an appropriate visa.
  3. Arranging and paying for transportation to and from Australia.
  4. Arranging and paying for adequate medical and travel insurance for the duration of the program.
  5. Any expenses in excess of their medical insurance coverage.
  6. Personal expenses.
  7. Purchasing textbooks, paying laboratory fees, specialised clothing, paying for field trips, etc, as required.
  8. All international students (including Study Abroad students) must advise UNSW of their residential address, and any subsequent change of address, as required by Australian law.
  9. Settling all other debts incurred by them or on their behalf during the period of the program.


  1. Participating students will be subject to the academic requirements and rules of conduct of UNSW. The Home University will advise their students of the academic and cultural expectations of UNSW.
  2. UNSW will notify NCUE if UNSW becomes aware that any student is failing to meet or abide by the academic requirements and rules of conduct of UNSW. UNSW and NCUE will cooperate in good faith to resolve any student issues that may arise.
  3. UNSW has the right to terminate any student's participation in accordance with the policies and procedures governing its own students, provided, however that UNSW has informed the Home University of its concerns as provided above and has given the Home University an opportunity to help resolve the issue before a termination occurs.


  1. UNSW will send official UNSW transcripts with numerical and letter grade results to the student and to the [Name of Office, University, Address].
  2. NCUE agrees that credits earned by its students while attending UNSW will be accepted towards the students’ degree program, provided that the grades earned are Pass or better and that the course contributing the credits corresponds to one that would be accepted in NCUE as contributing to the enrolled degree program
  3. On completion of the Study Abroad period, students will graduate from NCUE.  If they meet relevant entry requirements, the conditional Masters offer will then be converted to a full offer.