
【公費交換】捷克 赫拉德茨-克拉洛韋大學


捷克赫拉德茨-克拉洛韋大學/ University of Hradec Kralove

一張含有 文字, 信 的圖片





  • 學校簡介


  • 申請資格
身分別 大學部 研究所 名額 語言與其他要求 開學 開放申請科系
公費交換生 V V 2 具良好英文水平




學校官網: https://www.uhk.cz/en

  • 各學院網站:

1. Philosophical Faculty: https://www.uhk.cz/en/philosophical-faculty/exchanges/non-european-programmes

2. Faculty of Science: https://www.uhk.cz/en/faculty-of-science/exchanges/exchange-students-1/non-european-exchanges

3. Faculty of Education: https://www.uhk.cz/en/faculty-of-education/exchanges/student-exchanges/non-erasmus-programmes
4. Faculty of Informatics and Management: https://www.uhk.cz/en/faculty-of-informatics-and-management/exchanges/incoming-students-1/non-european-mobilities 

The deadline for nominations and applications of Informatics and Management for non-European students and Erasmus+ students (that need to apply for a visa) is on 15. 10. 2023. They have to apply for a visa as soon as possible that the application can be process on time.  Once we receive your nomination, we will provide students with information on how to apply.

 All necessary information regarding the exchange, Course Catalogue, Fact sheet, visa instructions for international students can be found on our website:

NON-EU - Non-european-mobilities

Other useful information can be found here: Incoming-students

  • 教育學院選課 2024/2/22說明:

Dear partners,

Allow me to inform you that we have open nominations for exchange students from your universities for next academic year 2024/2025.

Attached you find more information-procedure, forms to complete, list of courses, accommodation information.

We prefer receiving first completed nomination list (you can use attached file) of your students and then their application documents.

Your students could find information also at webpage: https://www.uhk.cz/en/faculty-of-education/exchanges/student-exchanges/non-erasmus-programmes

And all forms and attachments at https://www.uhk.cz/en/faculty-of-education/exchanges/student-exchanges

Note that only UHK course catalogue for 2024/25 has not been published yet. As soon as it is ready, it will be displayed in webpages too.

Look forward to receiving your nominations!

Deadline for nominations: May 15, 2024

Warm regards,

Petra Noskova

Ing. Petra Noskova

International mobilities coordinator

International office, Faculty of Education

t / +420 493 331 141

e / petra.noskova@uhk.cz

  • 資管學院選課 2023/12/12說明:

The Course Catalogue for the academic year 2024/25 is not available yet. It will be ready in spring.

Please find the Course Catalogue for the current academic year in the attachment. The subjects are not divided according degree. You need to check it in IS/STAG.

The guideline is attached.

In case of any question don´t hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,


Ms. Eva Pospíchalová

International relations coordinator

 t / +420 493 332 210

